In The News

Teaneck Creek Conservancy, our staff, and our partners are often in the news for fun programs, accomplishments or the good work we do. Check out the recent updates on the Creek, learn about our projects and programs, and find an opportunity to join us at an event below. (Updated 10/30/2020). 



Teaneck Creek Conservancy Supports County of Bergen Department of Parks Restoration

 Read our updated full statement on the upcoming Area 1 restoration.

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Bergen County to Receive $1.4m for State Green Acres Grants for Green Infrastructure Improvements in Teaneck Areas of Overpeck Park

Hackensack, N.J. – On April 18th, Bergen County officials authorized a pair of resolutions accepting nearly $1.4 million in New Jersey Green Acres program funding to increase public access and restore wetland and riparian habitat in portions of Overpeck County Park in Teaneck.


Disney Family Volunteering Program

TCC has been selected as a Disney Family Volunteer site! Disney Parks and Points of Light are celebrating family volunteerism by rewarding nonprofits and schools in the United States with Disney parks tickets for hosting – or participating in – family volunteering activities. When you give, Disney gives!