A Flight & A Bite Supporting Teaneck Creek
Sunday, November 3, 2024

Sponsorship Information for Companies of All Sizes!

Sponsorship Packages


Select from five different levels to fit your budget and commitment to conservation, environmental education, and the arts by supporting Teaneck Creek Conservancy’s A Flight & A Bite Fundraiser. The event will include our members, volunteers, and community partners will be at the event, providing you an opportunity to reach and connect to a diverse group of local community members.

  • Committing at the Iron Bowl Level provides 1 year of doggie waste bags so our favorite pets can also enjoy Teaneck Creek with their people.

  • Committing at the Copper Cup Level, sharpens all our clippers and loppers for the year so we can tackle invasive species.

  • Committing at the Bronze Tumbler Level, covers our paid social media and marketing intern for two months allowing students to support the Conservancy and gain important work experience.

  • Committing at the Silver Stein Level adds one new bed of native plants to our annual Native Plant Garden expansion, which supports pollinators and wildlife.

  • Committing at the Gold Chalice Level, supports our program & volunteer efforts for one month.


Ready to say yes?

Three ways to submit:

  1. Use our online sponsorship portal. Surcharges may apply.

  2. Mail your request to Teaneck Creek Conservancy at 20 Puffin Way, Teaneck, NJ, 07666.

  3. Email us at info@teaneckcreek.org.

When contacting us for a sponsorship, include the following:

  • name of contact,

  • mailing address,

  • phone number,

  • email & social media handles

  • desired sponsorship package