Report a Trail Problem

Thank you for using our reporting system. Our volunteer trail management team cares for 46 acres of our park and often our visitors see things before we do. We appreciate that you are bringing this to our attention and we will address as soon as possible.  Please use the above map to help identify clearly where the incident took place.

STOP! If this is an emergency, use one of the below numbers to make an IMMEDIATE report:

  • If this is an emergency, please contact 9-1-1 directly.

  • If this is not an emergency, but requires law enforcement, contact the Bergen County Sheriff’s office at 201-336-3500.

  • If this is about an injured or ill animal, contact Bergen County Animal Control 24/7 at 201-229-4616 or through the Bergen County Public Safety Dispatch Center at 201-785-8505.

When contacting authorities use the park name “Overpeck County Park Area 1” to enable them to locate you.